Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Light up your summer garden with festoon lights

All thoughts turn to the outdoors at this time of year, as the weather improves and we can begin to daydream of sitting outside smelling the remnants of that delicious summer barbecue, with a glass of wine or bottle of beer in hand. But as the long and mild evenings draw closer, how do you plan to add that extra sparkle to those summer nights of respite?
Living and dining al fresco is one of the more pleasurable benefits of the summer, but what if you didn’t have to enjoy such magical moments during just one season of the year? Nothing signals summer evenings outdoors like ambient lighting while entertaining friends or family at those garden gatherings. Dim lights create a romantic, warm feel without attracting hundreds of flies!
With our unpredictable British weather it does prove difficult to find a functional and portable solution for such occasions. Although, why just opt for lighting in the summer months, and not all year round - something to make your garden glisten all year long.
Creating your own seasonal space doesn’t have to involve costly renovations or the re-thinking of your entire living environment, by purchasing the right outdoor lighting you can create the perfect ambience and settings with just a small investment.
Wedding and event planners have used outdoor festoon lighting so beautifully for years and now thanks to more affordable options provided by the Garden Lighting Shop you too can recreate that gorgeous elegance in your very own back garden.
As a quick and effective solution to your entertainment lighting, festoon lighting also has many diverse and varied applications offering the perfect solution when creating atmosphere at summer parties, weddings, garden displays or even just lighting up walkways and dining areas.
Why not cordon off a small corner of your garden to create a new and exciting environment to find respite and put your feet up or even spice up the space rerated by your decking?
With the addition of the right festoon lights you can turn an area of your garden into a brand new venue for relaxation and entertainment, after all , why have a garden if you can’t enjoy it during the day or at night?

1 comment:

  1. why just opt for lighting in the summer months, and not all year round - something to make your garden glisten all year long. Decorative lighting
